Cyber attacks can affect any company, often oc­cur­ring when least ex­pec­ted, rang­ning from data loss and fi­nan­cial set­backs to a per­ma­nent­ly damaged reputation.

How you can prepare your company? 

Crea­ti­on of an in­ci­dent re­spon­se plan
An In­ci­dent Re­spon­se Plan (IRP) is your roadmap in the event of a cy­ber­at­tack. It should contain clear in­s­truc­tions on who has to do what as soon as an in­ci­dent is dis­co­ver­ed. This includes:

  • De­fi­ni­ti­on of a crisis team,
  • Contact details of all re­le­vant persons (in­ter­nal and external),
  • Steps to contain the attack,
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on plans for in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal stakeholders.

Em­ployee training
Em­ployees are often the first line of defence against cyber attacks. Regular cyber se­cu­ri­ty trai­ning helps them to re­co­g­ni­se and respond cor­rect­ly to phis­hing at­tempts and other types of cyber threats.

A plan is only as good as its im­ple­men­ta­ti­on in an emer­gen­cy. Regular drills to ensure that ever­yo­ne in­vol­ved knows what they need to do. Good pre­pa­ra­ti­on for a cyber attack, a con­stant­ly growing threat, is es­sen­ti­al. In the event of an in­ci­dent, every second counts.

Regular safety checks
Regular checks of systems and net­works for vul­nerabi­li­ties are crucial in order to close po­ten­ti­al se­cu­ri­ty gaps before at­ta­ckers can exploit them.

Robust backup system
Ensure that all im­portant data is backed up re­gu­lar­ly and that these backups are stored in a secure lo­ca­ti­on – ideally both locally and in the cloud. In the event of data loss due to a cy­ber­at­tack, the data can then be res­to­red quickly.

Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to answer your ques­ti­ons on this and other topics – by e-mail

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