GDPR: Fines for in­cor­rect risk assessment

26. Juli 2024|

Fines may be imposed for "in­cor­rect" risk as­sess­ment in the event of a data breach. In the event of a data breach, in ad­di­ti­on to no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on to the data pro­tec­tion su­per­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty, it may also be ne­ces­sa­ry to notify the [...]

Data pro­tec­tion su­per­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty clears up data pro­tec­tion misconceptions

11. April 2024|

The Thu­rin­gi­an State Com­mis­sio­ner for Data Pro­tec­tion and Freedom of In­for­ma­ti­on (TLfDI) has used Safer In­ter­net Day 2024 to clarify per­sis­tent data pro­tec­tion mis­con­cep­ti­ons. Here are a few mis­con­cep­ti­ons: Data pro­tec­tion wants to prevent di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on No. Di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, but legally compliant [...]

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on is ever­y­thing: How to prepare for a cyberattack

28. März 2024|

Cyber attacks can affect any company, often oc­cur­ring when least ex­pec­ted, rang­ning from data loss and fi­nan­cial set­backs to a per­ma­nent­ly damaged re­pu­ta­ti­on. How you can prepare your company?  Crea­ti­on of an in­ci­dent re­spon­se plan An In­ci­dent Re­spon­se Plan (IRP) [...]

Na­vi­ga­ting Data Pro­tec­tion Chal­lenges under HinSchG: A Closer Look

7. Februar 2024|

Ex­plo­ring Legal Ob­li­ga­ti­ons, Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, and Impact As­sess­ment. Data Pro­tec­tion in the Context of the Hin­weis­ge­ber­schutz­ge­setz (HinSchG) When highly sen­si­ti­ve data is being coll­ec­ted, it's crucial to de­ter­mi­ne who can access it. Data sub­jects have a right to access, but does this [...]

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